If your business's commercial property needs any industrial metal coating or cladding work completed, don't hesitate to get in touch. Our expert cladding coating services provide the best sprayed on site metal wall coatings for businesses of all kinds, small or large, and past clients include the likes of B&Q, Next and Lidl.
Industrial metal coating and cladding coatings
Tritec Building Contractors Ltd are specialists in the application of sprayed on site metal, steel and cladding coatings. One of our expert surveyors will complete a free full no obligation survey, providing bespoke protective cladding cleaning and cladding and industrial roof coating and solutions for your company building. A professionally well coated facade will leave that all important first impression of your company. Our skilled and trained spray technicians can provide the look you desire, and with all installed coatings guaranteed you will have complete peace of mind.
Protecting your industrial metal coating
There is a multitude of reasons why you need to protect your industrial metal coatings and cladding coatings with a professional firm. Prolonged exposure to UV light can cause the coating paint to harden, turn brittle, and show signs of damage. Ultimately, this can limit the coating's ability to expand and contract with the substrate, meaning it loses its adhesiveness and can often start to come away from the building.
Moisture is another issue - once it penetrates beneath the surface, the coating can start to come away, which can eventually lead to the corrosion of the cases of steel substrates.
Chalking will always occur over time, and the paint fades away to ruin the overall look of the coating. However, it's important to fix as you can also experience the loss of critical, additional pigments that enhance colour and offer UV protection.
Finally, if your walls are showing signs of coating failure, it's just not a good look for your business. Blisters, spots of corrosion, delamination and a lot more besides can all result in a shabby looking frontage and a poor quality first impression for your customers.
Commercial wall cladding coatings
Get in touch with us today, and our advisors will arrange a visit from one of our expert surveyors. Our teams provide you with a free, full, no obligation survey, with the aim of delivering bespoke protective cladding cleaning and cladding coatings and solutions for your company building. Once we have the green light, our skilled and trained spray technicians can create the look you desire in no time at all.
As long as the damage isn't extensive, cladding panels can be treated and preserved indefinitely. Our on-site teams know precisely what they are looking for, and are trained to spot all problem areas to ensure the best possible solutions for your new replacement cladding coating.
Why choose Tritec for your metal wall coatings?
With over 30 years of experience, Tritec knows the cladding industry, techniques, and new developments intimately. Our extensive roster of happy industrial roof coating clients include businesses of all sizes and some of the best-known brands in the UK. Our trained spray technicians will give you guaranteed works, speedy and friendly service, and can operate anywhere in the country.
There are a vast array of benefits of using our metal wall coating service. Not only will it create a fantastic first impression for your building, but you will also benefit from long-term damage protection, protection from UV rays and corrosion, and all at a price that suits you. If you want your building to look its best, at a minimum of effort on your behalf with regards to maintenance, why not gives us a call?